Friday, August 8, 2014

First days: Rules

I spend my first days establishing a few procedures and rules for my classroom.  For the first time in 10 years I am toying with changing my classroom rules.  The rules I have been using are all encompassing.

  • Keep hands, feet, objects, and comments to yourself. 
  • Follow all directions the first time they are given.
  • Help to maintain a safe environment.
  • Follow all guidelines in student handbook.
  • Do your best.

I developed these in my Alternative Certification classes and spend the first days explaining what all these include.  For example, do your best includes not only completing all work to the best of your ability, but also not cheating and turning in someone else’s work. 

But after too many hours on pinterest I have two sets of rules I am currently trying to decide between.  Set #1 is simple:

1.       Work hard
2.       Be nice.

The other set is adapted from another pin and blogger.  Click here to see the original rules, and there is a free download so you can do a printable version.  I like to make my own posters ... I have issues.  It had one rule translated to a hashtag – Perfect!  So, I decided to translate them all.  My husband told me I went hashtag crazy ... 

What are your rules?  What is your first day like?


  1. In my pull-out GT class, I only have one rule.
    But I have two non-negotiables.
    Non-negotiable: SAFETY.
    Non-negotiable: RESPECT.

    I was going over these with a group of 4th graders, and a student told me that I had forgotten a rule: have fun! I said, "No, honey. That's not a rule. It's great when it happens, but in the real world there are times when we have to do things that aren't necessarily fun. That's just how it works!" ;-)

  2. I love that Fran! I was tempted to do the two rules: work hard & be nice.

  3. Love them both, but I am actually changing my own plans and going with the second set in my own classroom. I could not stop laughing when I saw them! Humor is the best way to combat insubordination and get the "rule breakers" on your side. I vote for the second set. :o)

    1. I agree, humor is important in diffusing situations in the classroom often. Thanks for reading!
